Kissing Club
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The Forehead Kiss - The forehead kiss usually means that you are just friends. Depending on how it is planted, it can also be used as a means of showing deep affection to a loved one. Most people use use it as a starter kiss when they meet someone new, to express that they like them.

The Eskimo Kiss - It is commonly used by children and parents as an indication of affection. It involves rubbing your nose against your loved nose back and forth. This type of kiss has its origin from the Eskimo, hence the name Eskimo kiss.

The French Kiss - The French is considered most popular romantic kiss. A...
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posted by unohana
1.Drop hints that you're interested. You can put out some subtle signals that you're angling for a kiss without coming right out and saying it. Here's how to communicate it romantically

2.Break the kiss barrier (optional). If you're feeling brave, test the waters with a small kiss on the hand or the cheek. If the other person seems interested, it's probably safe to proceed with a kiss on the mouth.

If you're kissing a girl: Take her hand and slowly lift it to your mouth. Gently press your lips into the back of your hand for 2 or 3 seconds before breaking away.
If you're kissing a guy: Lean in...
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1.Gently peck your partner on the lips.

2.Do a lip-lock. Do this by putting your top lip on top, their top lip under it, your bottom lip under their top, and their bottom lip under yours. You can turn this to the side.

3Gently suck or nibble on your partners lip. If you want, you can suck it hard for a surprising sound that follows. This will not hurt unless you suck extremely hard.

-If your not as experienced as your partner then let them take control.

-Experiment! Do whatever feels right for you and your partner. Also, try to create new ways for you and your partner to kiss without the tongue. You could try to make it a more seductive kissing session by not letting your partner finish the kiss by pulling him/her toward you while kissing so the kiss lasts longer or by following them without letting their lips leave yours. Whatever works! Best of luck!
posted by Sinna_Hime_chan
Whoever said that ‘A Kiss is Just a Kiss’ (and a sigh is just a sigh) has clearly not been kissed as well as one ought to experience in the vast sea if exceptional, beautiful, breath-taking kisses that are not only possible but VERY tangible and real!

A kiss can be sexy, sweet, slow, fast, smooth, simple, warm … The vocabulary falls short of what they can say and convey: two lips.

Kissing is an art in itself, The Kama Sutra recognized its power to express feelings, emotions and passions. Therefore, the writing describes in detail the kisses and the occasions to be used for each of them....
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posted by unohana
1.At the end of the date, find a way to get close to him or her. This will not only help you read your date’s level of interest better, but also get yourself into position should the opportunity to kiss present itself.

2.Gauge your date’s reaction to you. You'll need to do this quickly as the goodbye-kiss window doesn’t stay open for long. If you’re walking your date home and they don’t let you get that close to the door, take this physical distancing as a sign that a goodnight kiss isn't such a great idea. If (s)he is eager to get the keys in the door, this too is a bad sign. Other...
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1.See if she does many of the things listed in the article How to Hint for a Kiss from a Guy.

2.Grab her slowly and tell her how nice she looks. This will help start a good conversation.

3.Then ask her to kiss you (with her permission). If she says that you have to start, don't be afraid. Just do it.

4.Sometimes she will start smiling. That's a sign that she wants a kiss.

-Don't be scared.
-Hold her smoothly.
-Tell her that you enjoyed the kiss.
-Making a joke while kissing can make the mood fun.

-Don't go overboard by grabbing parts of her body without her permission.